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Empowered Happiness Bible


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ForewordHappiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you doare in harmony. Mahatma GandhiEveryone wants to learn the secrets on how to be truly happy in life.For sure, right now, most people in this world are still in pursuit ofhappiness, a journey that many of them have probably started rightfrom that very moment when they learned about the concept ofhappiness.Did you ever wonder what it really takes to be truly happy? Manypeople tried pursuing relationships, money, and success, and most ofthem have reached that point when they have realized that happinessdoes not really come from the outside, or from the world where youlive in. In all essence, happiness is something that comes from deepwithin you, lying in that secret place within yourself, waiting for youto finally tap it and release it from its prison.Happiness is something that has long been present inside you.Finding happiness inside yourself is like peeling off the layers ofonion, with each layer representing your thoughts, fears, and negativebeliefs. As you slowly peel away each layer (who you are not), you willgradually reach its very core (who you are). And right there and then,you will find your purpose and meaning in life. You will finallydiscover yourself and learn the real meaning of happiness.- 5 -For you to be truly happy, you need not lock yourself up inside acloset and meditate for the rest of your life. To be truly happy, thereare some things that you have to learn first and in this EmpoweredHappiness Bible, you are bound to unravel what it takes to finallyknow the meaning of HAPPINESS.Get all the info you need here.

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