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Breath Watching Meditation


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IntroductionThe more responsibility you have in your life, more is the need ofmeditation. The busier you are, the less time you have, the morework you have, and endless desires you want, is the more youneed to meditate. This is because meditation not only relieves youfrom stress and anxiety. It enhances your abilities to facechallenges. It brings better health. Meditation is also referred toas food for the soul, energizes the mind, lifeline for the body thathelps you get in shape, helps your mental alertness and improvesyour perception. This also helps you to express yourself properly.It helps in creating a non-violence society, a disease-free body,confusion-free mind, and sorrow-free soul. Meditation is verysimple yet very profound; A rare combination of simplicity anddepth.Behind every random thought that runs through your head is acomplete story that if you latch on that thought its like taking acertain attention from your mind and gradually unfold that intopieces of details. This allows you to make an inner dialogue withyourself regarding that inner experience. With this, yourmeditation now leads to somewhere not quite the comfort zoneand is not doing the actual definition of meditation, so you needto focus again and clear those thoughts so you can get back to thefact that you are meditating so you wont think of any otherthings.Within the next page, you would know the most basic yet mostimportant of all the methods used in meditation the breathwatching meditation.

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