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Self Development through Visualization and Affirmation visualizing onesself in the scene has helped many people over the years cultivate a positivemind. Through visualization, one can go anywhere mentally and use theenforcers by affirming what they want from life, to get there.Affirmations are declarations that we can make that give us inner support. Itis our way of asserting what we intend to do. Affirmations give usconfirmations that verify our intentions through the statements that wemake. It builds encouragement so that one can stand firm while workingtoward a better future.When some people think of visualization, they start to develop this mentalpicture in their mind of someone that has a problem with fantasizing orhallucinating. Some people even think that visualizations are prophecies.Contrary to these beliefs, visualizations are mental images that we create,which influence our dreams and way of thinking.Using our visualization and affirmatives, we can move toward a positivefuture while developing the inner self. Self-development starts in the womb,and carries forward throughout the course of ones life. Throughout thisphase, one learns, while gaining knowledge from experiences and eventswitnessed by the eye.Some of the best ways to encourage visualization while promoting ourknack to use affirmatives is through meditation or yoga. Meditation willassist you with putting your mind in a time where you can visualize the selfin a scene whereas you believe you want to be. Through guided relaxationmethods, it will become easier with each mental picture you develop, sinceyou will start thinking positive. You need to develop positive thinking inorder to benefit from affirmatives.

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