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The Motivation Companion


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IntroductionGetting motivated and staying motivated isnt such an easy task. Even peoplewho are successful in business and in personal relationships fall into slumps andfind it hard to get motivated.If youre in a slump right now, you know exactly what I mean. No matter howmany successes youve had in the past, it all seems irrelevant now. It seems likeno matter how hard you try, no matter what you do, you wont be able to achieveyour goals; and even if you do, youre not sure that accomplishing them will makeyou feel any better.Fortunately for you, no matter how bad it seems right now, it doesnt have to staythat way. You have a lot of options when it comes to breaking free of your slumpand getting motivated. In the remainder of this guide, I will detail exactly how youcan do it.By the time youre done, youll have a powerful arsenal of tools at your disposal,which you can use to get motivated, stay motivated, and achieve all of yourgoals.So get started, find the motivation you need, and break free of your slump!- 6 -T

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