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The Self-Improvement Handbook


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Self-improvement & Success Hand in HandEverything that happens to us happens in purpose. And sometimes, one thingleads to another. Instead of locking yourself up in your cage of fears and cryingover past heartaches, embarrassment and failures, treat them as your teachersand they will become your tools in both self-improvement and success.Remember watching Patch Adams? Its one great film that will help you improveyourself. Hunter patch Adams is a medical student who failed to make itthrough the board exams. After months of suffering in melancholy, depressionand suicidal attempts he decided to seek for medical attention and voluntarilyadmitted himself in a psychiatric ward. His months of stay in the hospital led himto meeting different kinds of people.Sick people in that matter. He met a catatonic, a mentally retarded, aschizophrenic and so on. Patch found ways of treating his own ailment and finallyrealized he has to get back on track. He woke up one morning realizing that afterall the failure and pains he has gone through, he still want to become a doctor.He carries with himself a positive attitude that brought him self-improvement andsuccess. He didnt only improved himself, but also the life of the people aroundhim and the quality of life. Did he succeed? Needless to say, he became the bestdamn doctor his country has ever known.So, when does self-improvement become synonymous with success? Where dowe start? Take these tips:

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