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IntroductionDo you dream of being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company? Have you wantedto buy that new home youve dreamed of for so many years? Exactly what isyour idea of success? Success is having achieved that which you determine you will do!YOU determine what success is for you. Its not based on any judgment otherthan your own. Its not dependent upon materialistic measurements. And, forsome, success is the journey, itself. Success may be something material, such as money or a new home. It could besomething egotistical, as the power and notoriety that comes with the position ofCEO. It could be emotional, as finding love and commitment. Success mayeven be unselfish and altruistic, as seeing children in third world countrieshealthy and safe. Success has no particular name or identity. There is no onemethod to describe what success is, other than the definition above. It meanssomething different to each individual.All successful people, however, have one thing in common determination! To be a success, you must first determine to be so. Though not always aconscious decision, the seed that leads to action is to first determine.3 Dianes story is a great example of having a desire in the consciousmind, and the subconscious processing it as a determination. Dianeslove of writing began in middle school, because her friends were writingshort romance stories about their favorite music idols. Diane thought shewould give it a try. Her stories became so popular that she began writingthem in segments. Her classmates couldnt wait to get the nextinstallment. From that point, she wrote different types of things poetry,philosophy, and sometimes only her thoughts. She won a few writingcompetitions in school, but most of her writings were for herself. It wasonly a hobby. Something she did to pass time, or a way to put herthoughts on paper. When she entered college, she didnt give writing asecond thought. She graduated with a dual degree in psychology andbusiness management. Diane worked in business for several years;then, fell into the writing profession. 4 She thought it just happened; but in truth, each position she held hadsome writing responsibilities first, business reports and editingmanuals, then putting together and writing a monthly newsletter for thefirm. At the job she fell into, she started as a secretary, after havingmoved to another state. Being used to a heavier workload, they finallygave her a small job to do for their technical writer, who was writing anemployee handbook for the firm. Between her regular duties, Diane,who had written a similar handbook at her previous job, filled in thegaps, extended the contents so the handbook was complete, and gave adraft to the technical writer for review. Her assignment was only to layout what hed written. To make a long story short, they offered her a jobas a proposal writer, and then a position as their engineeringdocumentation coordinator, where she wrote customized engineeringmanuals. Though it seemed to Diane that she fell into the job ofprofessional writing, she had determined it years before while writingthose short stories in middle school. She has now been writingprofessionally for over 20 years, including books and novels. When Ionce asked her why she didnt just go to school for English orJournalism, she said she never thought about it. Her love was

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