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Enneagram Essentials


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ForewordThe enneagram is one of the most powerful tools in self discovery andpersonal development. The results from the enneagram is extremelyaccurate and tells the strengths, weaknesses, core motivations,moods, mannerisms and basically much about the person once histrue type is discovered.The first inception of the enneagram begun with George IvanovichGurdjieff an Armenian mystic and spiritual teacher. His work onthe enneagram is really profound because of the fact that theenneagram model has been known since ancient times but it wasGurdjieff research who made the model publicly known.In the last decades, there is a profound shift in the way theenneagram is studied as it gained more prominence in the field ofpersonal developmental studies through these two individuals Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo.Enneagram is synonymous with the number 9 as the enneagram has9 points of references. Each of the points in the enneagram representsa unique and distinct personality type.A person who has the traits of a type one (typically known as thereformer or perfectionist) may differ greatly from a person who is atype 4 (typically known as the artist or the individualist).- 5 -In depth study of the enneagram reveals profound self discovery andis really useful when it comes to handling businesses, conflict andmany aspects of a relationship.

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