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Eternal Life And You


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ForewordFor centuries, spiritual precepts have pointed us to the heart and soul as thesource of wisdom, truth, peace, and eternal life. We call it the heart andsoul because these deeper realities are felt most strongly in the region of thephysical heart.But, the spiritual heart and soul isn't limited to a location in your body. Theheart and soul is the totality of your connection with the crucial qualitiesand greater dimensions of your true nature as limitless existence. Any fullexploration of the bigger truth of your existence must include a discovery ofthe capabilities and qualities of this tender, loving, and wise aspect of yourtrue nature is a pointing beyond the experience of the Heart and itswisdom, peace, and love to the possibility of acknowledging these essentialqualities as who and what you are.The heart and soul with all its joy, satisfaction, peace, love, and wisdomisn't simply something you may experience more totally; it's what you'vealways been and always will be. In realizing your true nature as this fullnessof existence, you may ultimately rest from worry about worldly possessions.Eternal Life and YouNourish your soul for all things eternal and reduce yourattachment to all things temporal.

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