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Empty Mind Meditation


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IntroductionThere seems to be a growing enthusiasm among many people toengage in meditation nowadays and this could be clearly seen inthe ever-increasing number of people engaging in meditation andself-realization programs. So we ask: "Why do people bother toallot some of their precious times to seemingly unproductivehours of meditation?" The answer cannot be seen externally as welook at those people while they are deeply engaged in meditation.The answer lies internally in those people who in the process ofengaging in meditation get in touch with their inner being duringmeditation.The world has a tendency to alienate a person from his innerbeing. Man's mind is bombarded from all sides by stimuli whichdistract man's consciousness from truly understanding themeaning and significance of most events and things in this world.Mass media continuously try to satisfy our inner longing byproviding us with all the enjoyment and diversions to while awayour time and forget the gnawing reality of monotony and angstwhich afflict every person in our society. These diversionarytactics provided by modern conveniences and amenities slowlydistract our mind and alienate us further from our inner-selfwhich is the source of real peace, healing, and understanding.However, there is a growing movement back to our rootedness inour inner being. This is shown in the large number of peopleengaging in meditation nowadays. In a 2005 Newsweeks survey,nearly a third of adults in the United States are found to beengaging in daily simple meditation. These people maintain thatmeditation brings them a lot of positive things. They claim thatmeditation gives them inner peace, more focus, lessening ofstress, and a deeper appreciation and understanding of life.The basic truth about meditation is simplethat you could learn itin just five minutesand you can readily engage in it anytime andanywhere. Yet you should constantly engage in it to improve on it.Likewise, it could also be developed into a habit wherein itbecomes natural or second nature to a person to engage in it. Themore one practices meditation the higher the level of meditationone can achieve. Moreover, there are various methods ofmeditation which one can learn to further one's journey deep intoone's inner being. In this book, my primary concern is to lay downand explain one of the most useful methods of meditationtheEmpty Mind Meditationwhich could greatly enhance yourmeditation experience and lead you to a deeper spiritualexperience.

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