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What is Meditation?.............................................................................................................4How Do I Start Meditating?.................................................................................................5Different Types of Meditation............................................................................................. 7Breathing Meditation........................................................................................................... 8Walking Meditation........................................................................................................... 10Healing Meditation............................................................................................................ 12Zen Meditation...................................................................................................................14Guided Meditation............................................................................................................. 15Chakra Meditation............................................................................................................. 16Christian Meditation.......................................................................................................... 18Japa Meditation..................................................................................................................19New Age Meditation..........................................................................................................20Meditation Resources.........................................................................................................21Make Money With This Report......................................................................................... 22- 3 -What is Meditation?The dictionary defines meditation as "continued or extended thought; reflection;contemplation."So what does this mean in real life? Just what is this thing called meditation?Often we get overwhelmed in the course of our daily life. This can lead to stress andtensions that can ultimately affect our health. Using meditation on a regular basis givesour mind a chance to quiet itself and adjust to the stresses and strains that are part andparcel of our modern daily life.Usually, people meditate in a quiet space, free from distraction. There are many differentmethods of meditating, which we will cover later, but they all lead to the same place.Meditation itself is simply the process of quieting our mind. Gradually, your mindbecomes calmer. The "chatter" that's often there becomes less. And you start to movementally to a more tranquil place.Sometimes meditation is described as reaching a higher state of consciousness. This cancome about because our mind is less cluttered and therefore we start to notice things thatwould ordinarily pass us by. For instance, whilst meditating we may tune in more to thesounds around us, whether they are the urban sounds of traffic and people talking or morerural sounds such as bird song or the running water of a stream.Oftentimes by concentrating on these sounds we can go deeper into a meditative state.

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