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Improve Your Memory


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Table of ContentsIntroduction..........................................................................................................................3Short And Long Term Memory..............................................................................................4Eating A Healthy Diet............................................................................................................5Practicing..............................................................................................................................8Exercise And Physical Activity...............................................................................................9Visualization And Association.............................................................................................10Aromatherapy And Essential Oils........................................................................................11Be Unique And Creative......................................................................................................13Eliminating Repetitive Actions That Are Unnecessary........................................................14Chunking.............................................................................................................................18Using The Environment Around You...................................................................................19Remembering Names, Places And Other Things.................................................................20Using Sleeping Techniques.................................................................................................22Conclusion..........................................................................................................................24References..........................................................................................................................25 IntroductionYour brain works as a storage area that stores memory. There are actually two types ofmemory, short-term and long-term. In your brain, there are various kinds of memory that arestored. Since the brain is so enormous, it requires a system where the memory can be encodedand retrieved.Your brain is required to get information very quickly, regardless of what it is. It doesnt matterwhether the information is old or new. There are some times where the brain cannot retrievethe memory that is needed. Depending on the situation, it could be something that is not a bigdeal. On the other hand, it could be something that is massive. There may have been times where you have gone to a strip mall and you dont rememberwhere you parked your vehicle. Or you may have gone to the office products store and didntremember what you were supposed to purchase. Maybe you encountered someone that youknew and forgot their name. That can be embarrassing. If you were young when these memory lapses happened, then when you get in your 30s and40s you may be approaching some senior moments or you may start to forget more. Within 20years after that, you may be concerned about Alzheimers disease. However, this condition has started to creep up in people in their 30s. So its not just limited tothe senior citizen age group anymore.Its a good idea to know how your brain operates in regard to your memory. Things such as thebirth of your first child, your childs high school graduationthose are things that you willcherish forever. Those are special moments and its difficult to erase the memory. Even if they did not turn outthe way you wanted it to, they were still moments that you will never have again with thatchild. Memory is supposed to be about remembering things that have happened, rememberingpeople, places and things. Memory is not something that you can see. You just know its thereinside of your brain. The important thing is that there is a place where you can store andretrieve information whenever you need to. If you are looking to improve your memory, this guide provides some tips and tricks that youcan use to start the process. As you utilize them, you can keep information in your memorybank without the embarrassment of forgetfulness.

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