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Emotion Control


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Self Help ReportEmotions can master our minds, take over our lives, and destroy our future.It is up to you to deal with your emotions while learning how to commandand master the emotions. The emotions are human makeup that stems fromnatural inborn sources, while as the emotions grow (birth child adult) theemotions learn, believe, misconceive, disbelieve, teach, lie, deceive, etc. Theemotions are powerful, since emotions stem from the hearts learning as well,which the heart is deceptive. This is where fact-finding comes into play,since if you do not have facts you will lack confidence, self-esteem, selfassurance, self-trust, self-respect, and all those other words that make ahuman being whole. This brings us to problems. The problems includeacting on impulses, becoming angry, experience sadness, emptiness, and thelike. Most times when you hear of alcoholism, drug additions, nicotineadditions, criminal minds, psychological problems, and the like you arehearing about people who have not mastered their mind to command theiremotions.Now we can move into impulsive response to see how the emotions work.

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