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The Law of Attraction


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The Law of AttractionOne of the most well documented theories of New Age thought isthe Law of Attraction. Simply put, it suggests that you will alwaysencounter, in your life, those things which you think about on aregular basis.There are many ideas, which have persisted throughout the courseof human history, that have been blended to form the theory, sounderstanding it may take some time and research. However,because this law essentially proposes you can achieve prettymuch anything you want simply by changing your thinkingpatterns, it remains one of the most interesting ideas to have beenchampioned in recent years.Though the basic idea itself has come under attack from a numberof sources, anecdotal evidence at least, suggests that somecorrelation between thoughts and future experiences might wellexist on some level. If nothing else, the proposal encouragespeople to consider the overall scope of their thoughts andemotions; and that can be no bad thing.Many would argue that personal attributes such as the ability tomaintain a positive attitude have a great effect on thecircumstances of life; and so, at the root, our basic thinking mightbe found to be the ultimate cause of many positive and negativeexperiences in life.

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