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ForewordFor many people, the act of recreational gambling can be a source of hoursof harmless entertainment. Unfortunately, some people become tooattached to the thrill that comes from gambling and a monster begins todevelop inside of them. This is the monster of addiction and it can be verydetrimental to a persons life and can rule all aspects of it.A person who is addicted to gambling will lose control over their life. It maybegin as a slow process but eventually it will be a full blown addiction.Gambling addiction is no different than any other addiction. Fair enough, itmay not be physically addictive such as heroin is but it is still mentallyaddictive. It can get to a point where all a person can think about isgambling. People who are addicted to gambling will begin trying to makebets on everything they can, even small pointless things.Gambling addiction is the same as any other addiction in the sense that itpulls the wool over peoples eyes and makes them lie to their selves abouthow bad their problem has become. If you or somebody you know has agambling addiction it is extremely important that it gets taken care of andaddressed before it completely takes over.

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