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Procrastinating Your Procrastination


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ForewordSo heres what occurs: You've a plan lets suppose, to awaken at 7;be washed and dressed to kill and breakfasted by 8; at your desk,easel or other workspace by 9; work 3 hours; exercise during yourlunch; eat a fit salad at your desk; work 4 more hours; come home;eat supper with your mate; work a few more hours in the evening; andthen curl up in bed with a great book. But you dont abide by the plan.Maybe you awaken late at 8, or 9, ornoon! The plan is trashedbefore you even get moving. Or, perhaps, it takes you not one, but 3hours to make it to your desk. And then, when youre there, you dropan hour or three reading the paper, net surfing, and making personalcalls. Or, perhaps when lunch comes around you dont exercise andrather than a salad eat a mammoth sandwich and then spend the restof the afternoon feeling slow and dont get much done. Etc.Procrastination is when you get bumped off the course you set foryourself for the day. The challenge of outfoxing procrastination is thechallenge of resisting the itch to leave your course. This is likewise thechallenge of beating blocks, since a block is truly an ongoingprocrastination issue that lasts weeks, months, years or decades.This e-book will help you work out what is causing you to leave yourdaily course, and what you may do to stay dedicated and finally livethe productive and happy life youve always wished-for.Procrastinating Your ProcrastinationDeveloping The Important 'NOW' Habit And Strategies ThatWill Help You To Take The First Step Quickly!

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