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Primitive Psycho-Therapy And Quackery


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CHAPTER I. MEDICAL AMULETSAmong the various subjects which belong to the province of medical folk-lore, one of themost interesting relates to amulets and protective charms, which represent an importantstage in the gradual development of Medicine as a science. And especially noteworthyamong medical amulets are those inscribed with mystic sentences, words, or characters,for by their examination and study we may acquire some definite knowledge of themental condition of the people who made use of them.Satisfactorily to explain the derivation of the English word "amulet" has taxed theingenuity of etymologists, and its origin is admittedly obscure. According to someauthorities, the Latin amuletum was derived from amoliri, to avert or repel; but thegreater weight of evidence points to the Arabic verb hamala, meaning "to carry." Thedefinitions usually given embody both of these ideas; for amulets, in the ancient medicalconception of the term, were any objects, ornamental or otherwise, worn on the bodies ofmen or animals, and believed to neutralize the ill effects of noxious drugs, incantations,witchcrafts, and all morbific agencies whatever.[4:1] To the Oriental mind amuletssymbolize the bond between a protective power and dependent mundane creatures; theyare prophylactics against the forces of evil, and may be properly characterized as objectssuperstitiously worn, whose alleged magical potency is derived from the faith andimagination of the wearer.[4:2]The use of amulets has been attributed to religious sentimentality or religiosity. The latterword has been defined as "an excessive susceptibility to the religious sentiments,especially wonder, awe, and reverence, unaccompanied by any correspondent loyalty todivine law in daily life."[4:3

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