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INTRODUCTIONMy interest in personal transformation started way back in 1986. Atthat time, I was still a medical student. There were not as many gurusthen compared to now and good self help books and resources werehard to come by.But I was determine to make a success of my life, so I lay my handson whatever books and resources I could find and learned from all ofthem. I had an open mind and that, I realized, was critically importantfor my success today. Once I learned the secrets of success, Iimmediately put them into practice. Pretty soon, I was reaping therewards of my faith in what I have learned.The one thing I learned was that these secrets of success were notsecrets at all. Anyone who has learned this knowledge and put it intopractice in his or her life will DEFINITELY create a success for himselfor herself. All these secrets are nothing but universal laws, and beinguniversal laws they are predictable and replicable.It works for everyone!Anyone who wants to transform himself or herself needs to start withthis knowledge. This book provides you with that critical knowledge.The knowledge presented here is not new, of course. In fact, it is old very old thus I called this knowledge ancient wisdom. These are theteachings handed down to us from mystics and sages of old. Theirwisdom is timeless. What I have done here is to present it in a modernway that you can easily understand.There is an old saying:WHEN THE STUDENT IS READY, THE TEACHER WILL APPEARI believe in it and I believe that you did not come across this book bychance. It happens because you attracted it into your life.However, heres a word of caution.4The principles presented here may seem simple -- even obvious -- andthere is a danger that because of their simplicity, they may beregarded as useless. That would be the greatest mistake!While they are simple to understand, these principles are not easy tofollow, and even more difficult to master. It has been said that evenan eight year-old child may understand them but even an eighty yearold man cannot practice them unless he puts in the right effort.So, spend some time reading and understanding the universalprinciples in this book. Then, start re-inventing yourself and your lifeby putting these principles into practice in your life. Begin to live yourlife well and choose to be the master of your own destiny.There are ten articles in this book. Each article touches on a veryimportant principle of success and happiness. Put into practice eachone of them and you will change your life forever.You will be able to achieve what you want in life.Remember that knowledge alone is NOT enough. You must practicewhat you have learned. I cannot emphasize this enough. Make eachone of these principles a part of your life and you WILL achievesuccess and happiness!To help you put these principles into practice, Ive also provided someuseful resources at the end of this book that will help make it easierfor you to implement them.These principles have worked for me and for countless others who arenow enjoying their successes and happiness. Id like you to join thesuccess club.To Your Success & Happiness!

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