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Emotional Equilibrium


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Table of ContentsForewordChapter 1:Emotion BasicsChapter 2:Evaluate Your EmotionsChapter 3:Understand Where Your Emotions Come FromChapter 4:Note Your Surroundings And CircumstancesChapter 5:Brainstorm Other ResponsesChapter 6:Evaluate Your OptionsChapter 7:Decide The Best Route To TakeChapter 8:Learn To Be Happy With Yourself ForewordDo you consider yourself as an emotional person? Do your emotions oftenmake the best of you, controlling your life to the point that you no longerhave any idea where you are actually going? Are your emotions the veryreason why you find it difficult to deal with the different situations thathappen day in and day out?Most people today often find themselves tangled in different emotions andcombine this with all the stresses of todays life, it is only understandablewhen some end up consumed by their emotions.But if you want to be truly successful, one of the important things that youneed to learn is emotional equilibrium or the perfect balance between youremotions.In this book, you can expect to learn about the different and most vitalinformation that you need to know about your emotions in general and howyou can fully control them and how to balance them properly for you toachieve your much coveted success.Emotional EquilibriumGain Control Of Your Emotions For Life Success

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