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The Power Of Charisma


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Well, hello there. You knowthere's something about you I like. I can't put my finger on itandit's not just the fact that you purchased this ebookbut there's something aboutyou that makes you attractive.You've got charisma!How do I know? I know you've got charisma because you're open to the worldaround you and ready to learn new things that the universe has to offer. And ifthere's one characteristic you always find in charismatic people, it's openness.So, I think I've got your pegged right when I say you've got charisma. Even if youdon't know it yet.Charisma is easy to spot. You could probably name a dozen "charismatic"people you know in politics, the entertainment industry, or your personal life. Buteven though it's easy to spot, charisma isn't so easy to break down into its keycomponents.The "It" FactorIt's not so easy to identify exactly what it is about a person that makes him or hercharismatic. You know that someone's got "it;" you just can't quite define what"it" is.Charisma is an attractiveness that goes beyond good looksan appeal thatcant be labeleda captivating quality that isn't the result of simple intellectualbrilliance or a terrific sense of humor. Most people see charisma as something elusive and unachievablea kind ofmagical, mysterious magnetism that youre either born with or not. And thefact is that nothing could be further from the truth! Charisma isn't a function of DNA. It can be developed

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