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Staying Motivated


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Chapter 1 IntroductionMotivation is what keeps us going. It is the reason people succeed and the reasonpeople fail. Motivation is the drive someone has to complete a task. Theingredients of motivation are combined with many factors which include simplicity,attitude, the people you hang around, the way you think, knowing yourself, helpingother people and so much more.The purpose of this e-book is to take you through methods you can practice on adaily basis to remain motivated. These techniques can help you feel better aboutyourself in everything you do. You can take these methods with you when you goto work and when you are at home.Motivation is the spark everyone needs to make it throughout the day, to set andmeet goals, and more. Without motivation you will fail. When you have apathytoward something you are not motivated because you couldnt care either way.This is the worst attitude you can have because it isnt negative either. Someonewho feels this way isnt capable of achieving anything because they dont care ifthey do or not. If you are feeling this way this e-book is exactly what you need tohelp you overcome your attitude and begin feeling motivated again.When you know how to remain motivated with yourself you can also help othersbecause your attitude will be contagious. When you practice daily motivationaltechniques eventually they will come to you naturally. At first some of thesemethods may be difficult for you to do or to remember. It will take time for you tobegin to naturally practice and follow these techniques.

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