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ForewordNow that you have Meditation for Peace - A Guide for Discoveringthe Joys of Meditation to Achieve Peace and Calmness eBook infront of you. As I am a great follower of the thought that one shouldaccept the valuable thing wherever he finds it, I have tried to use thesame approach in this eBook. I have compiled this book with greatzeal by assembling the thoughts and researches of different scholarsand writers. So, when you read this book, you will see differentperspectives of different people regarding meditation.Whether or not we are aware of it, people are involved in practicingmeditation for a longer period of time. Meditation is basically theprocess of bringing peace and calmness in life, but most of the peoplehave misconceptions about the procedures of meditation. Meditationdoesnt mean that you will have to sit for 4 to 5 hours, compromisingother essential everyday jobs. So, I hope that, this book will help youin breaking some of the odd misconceptions regarding meditation. Ifyou are able to break your misconceptions through this book, you willbe able to get full advantage from different techniques of meditation.Many of you may not be aware of this and we are actually involved inmeditation in one way or another.So, I welcome you all to the surprising world of Meditation, and Ihope that, you will find it significance reading.Meditation for PeaceA Guide for Discovering the Joys of Meditation to Achieve Peace andCalmness

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