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The Panic Panacea


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ForewordPanic attacks are dangerous but they are almost harmless from physicalpoint of view. They are a type of anxiety which can reach its optimal level.These attacks are found in almost whole world but U.S is a big victim ofthese attacks and according to a research 20 percent of U.S citizensexperience panic attacks at some point in their lives. This 20 percent meansthat, more than 50 million people will suffer from these panic attacks.About 2 percent of these people will go through a full extreme panic attackin which they may become totally psycho or mad. Normally first panicattack is experienced by people in their childhood or in teenage and usualrange of age is 15-19. Panic attacks or any other anxiety disorder is not developed suddenlyinstead there is a long history of the patient and gradually he becomesaddicted to some fear. For example if someone has gone through panicattack while driving then, he will develop a fear or phobia of driving and hewill start avoiding the situation. The point will come when the fear willbecome so high that he will not even go close to cars. This extreme situationmay never come but if you did not do anything about that developed fear instart then, it will eat you out without warning. The symptoms of panic attacks in children are different from symptoms ofadults and other age groups because in children these attacks disturb theirbrain system mostly and they tend to damage their thinking power. Sudden - 4 -decrease in school grades, sudden lost interest in certain sports or othersimilar symptoms are first symptoms of panic attacks and when youobserve these symptoms then you should talk with the kid and get that fearout of his mind. In this EBook, I will try to guide you for the whole processof getting rid of these panic attacks. There are hundreds of methods and techniques available and most of theminvolve therapies and very less medication is used to cure panic attacks.This is not because there is no medication made for this disease or disorderbut medicines are just not as effective and they also possess side effectsbecause normally when someone experiences this disorder then, he or sheis not unfit physically and in a proper physical state if you start takingmedicines then, those medicines will give you just side effects.

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