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Introduction"You are completely relaxed... you feel warm and comfortable you feelyou really need to close your eyes and sleep... your eyelids are getting heavy...heavier... and heavier... slowly, you close them... now they are closed... you aregetting sleepier.... and sleepier.... you are going to SLEEP...... deeper anddeeper asleep... SLEEP!"Many of us are familiar with this scene: A bizarre-looking man holds aclock pendant and continuously, determinedly swings it in front of a vulnerable,lost-looking young woman. He utters the phrase repeatedly, in slower and lowerintonation: Youre getting sleepy Youre getting sleepy The girl staresblankly into the clock. The world turns and swirls around her, spiraling andspiraling. Then eventually, she starts to act like (a) a zombie, (b) a vamp, (c) achicken, or (d) all of the above simultaneously.Thanks to popular culture, hypnotism has achieved an eerie, mystical,otherworldly and sometimes evil reputation. While the scenario illustrated abovemay have a little ring of truth to it (Hypnosis using verbal suggestion is powerful;and people under hypnosis can be made to believe and therefore act as adifferent identity), there is certainly a lot more than meets the eye abouthypnotism.Doubtless one of the most intriguing yet also one of the mostbewildering topics to come across man, hypnotism transcends boundaries as itcontinues to be studied, analyzed, and interpreted in diverse fields of wisdom.From medicine, psychology, new age, self-help, religion, history, media and5popular culture, hypnotism is accorded with different meanings, interpretations,and uses: the conclusions never final, the reports ever-evolving.This may be rooted from one thesis: that studying hypnotism wouldinevitably mean studying the human mind, and definitely the human mind is anever-changing overlapping universe of significance, interpretation, and purpose.In this e-book, we will try to touch on the different aspects ofunderstanding hypnotism, and how it was and still is being utilized (orcondemned by some parties), for various reasons. There is even a chapter ortwo on do-it-yourself hypnotism. So, read on and judge for yourself. Join me aswe try to discuss some of the major points of view regarding mind control.Explore or reject the possibility of controlling the human mind and the life ofthe person possessing it. But please should you decide to move further into thetopic let us be clear. Nobody is controlling your decision, and anything you willbe engaging in shall be done on your own free will!

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