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Organization and Efficiency


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IntroductionSuccess does not always come to the most intelligent ortalented people. It doesn't always come to the hardest workingor most creative, either. The truth is that success is the resultof persistence, focus, and organization. It's all about how wellwe manage our time.I can almost hear your sigh now. For lots of you, gettingorganized or becoming more focused and efcient is like thoseother New Year's resolutions -- losing weight or getting fit --that are in our rearview mirror now. We've been there, triedthem, and aren't crazy about the results.Sure, you have your reasons for avoiding getting organized,pretty good ones, too. I'll bet at least one of these applies toyou: You're too busy. It takes time to get organized Too many people are demanding your time You've started organizing but just can't follow through You're not sure how to go about it It's too much trouble You're naturally untidy You just can't get motivated And so onThere's a lot of truth in those reasons for all of us -- moretruth all the time. Our days are full of hundreds of demands onour time, energy, and emotions. Every minute is taken up withour duties and other people's demands. You've probably eventhought about what you have to do to achieve more successbut haven't taken any action.Let's talk about organization and efciency for a minute. Isn't ittrue that you want to get better at these things because youbelieve they will help you manage your personal andprofessional life more successfully? Really, they are a means tothat end. Keeping that in mind is the key to setting andachieving the goals that will bring you success. The better youcan identify and target your unique goals, the more motivationyou will have to keep moving toward them efciently.When you lose focus on exactly what you are driving toward,it's easy to lose motivation and stop working toward yourgoals. Also, if the goals concern things you think you "should"do or be or have instead of goals you are really committed to,you'll have much less chance of succeeding long term. That'swhy New Year's resolutions usually fail. And that's why anyplan about organizing your life has to start with a self-analysison your part. Does that make sense?You need to know how to use the skills you have and whichones you need to acquire. Finally, you need to know how toorganize to efciently achieve your unique goals.In this ebook you will create an organization plan based onwhat you want and the skills you'll need to get it. Here you'lllearn a clear three-pronged approach you can customize toyour individual situation. You'll learn1. Unique core desires and goals2. Skills and strategies to successfully work toward thosegoals3. Start-to-finish organization steps to achieve your goals.The first part might be the most important part of all. Part oneis all about you getting to know yourself -- your goals, yourreal desires, your skills, your strengths and your weaknesses.The better you understand how you function, the better you'llbe able to create the life you desire.Second, we'll talk about methods for handling the internal andexternal forces in play in your life everyday. You'll learn themost efective methods and probably get some insight intoways you can improve your efciency.

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