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How To Take The Stress Out Of Christmas


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Chapter 1 - IntroductionChristmas is supposed to be one of the most joyous times of the year. Unfortunately, for a lotof people, including myself, Christmas was always filled with stress. How to get all theshopping done when I worked full time was a chore in itself. Then there was the baking,taking kids to see Santa Claus, Christmas Eve festivities, gifts for co-workers at the office andothers who helped me during the year as well as what I often referred to as the ultimatenightmare - yes, the Christmas dinner.I watched way too many Christmas movies where everything turned out perfect, including theplum pudding. I wanted a Christmas like those seen in the movies and I often got one - eversee National Lampoons Christmas Vacation? Yep, everything that could go wrong wouldgo wrong. From the tree not lighting to the turkey being cooked wrong - it all happened to me.It got to the point where I started to dread the holidays. The stress that built up aroundChristmas time was anything but yuletide joy. I would often lament I cant wait for it to beover.Then something happened to me to make me realize that I was looking at Christmas allwrong. I remembered the work my parents and grandparents put into Christmas. My greatgrandmother had none of the modern conveniences that I had yet still managed to make notonly a large Christmas dinner for family and extended family, but also a huge Christmas Evedinner as well. And she never had to rush to the doctor to get tranquilizers before or after. Infact, the Christmases of my childhood are filled with good memories. I wanted my children toalso enjoy those type of Christmases. True, I work full time and do not have time to bake andcook all day - but my great grandmother had no refrigerator. I think I am ahead of the game.I decided to take the stress out of Christmas and streamline it so that my family and I couldtruly enjoy the spirit of the season. And I succeeded. Christmas once again became a joyousevent that everyone, including me, could look forward to with anticipation. All it took was totake advantage of modern conveniences that my great-grandmother did not have and a bit oforganization skills that she obviously did have. I combined the old with the new and came upwith a stress free Christmas.If I was going to change my name, I would change my middle name to stressed as this isone word that perfectly describes me. So if I can manage to take the stress out of Christmasand get everything done without freaking out and having to spend a few days at a sanitarium,then so can you.So, take a deep breath, relax, and start reading on how you, too, can take the stress out ofChristmas and enjoy this festive and fun holiday.

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