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Read uplifting books. Spend time each day reading a book that encouragesand inspires you. It can be biographical, fiction or non fiction. Check thelibrary, they often have an inspirational section.2. Meditate for 15 minutes a day. This can be prayer, but it does not have to be.Take time to center yourself and meditate on a thought, phrase, or image.This will help you connect to your deeper self.3. Quite your mind through meditation. Allow your thoughts to flow freely. Notjudging them, not holding on to them, just let them flow.4. Think positive. Positive thinking uplifts the spirit and lightens the soul. It allowsyour inner person to breathe without the weight and stresses of the world.5. Be thankful. Spend a few moments each day reciting what you are thankfulfor. It can be material things or even people. If they are people, take amoment and write them a note letting them know why you are thankful forthem.6. Develop tolerance. Not everything can be the way you like it. Learning totolerate the tough times allows you to enjoy the good times even more.7. Be patient. Both with yourself and with others. Spirituality is a journey and willtake time. Everyone is on a different path and going at a different speed. Letthings come to you.8. Learn your strengths and amplify them. Find out what you are really good atand do it even more. The more you do it the stronger you will get. Accentuateyour best quality, do not down play it

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