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Loners Lifehack


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ForewordAs humans, we are social creatures. We are like the ants and the beeswhen it comes to sheer existence; we want others of our ilk to be withus at all times. Whether we are in the early years of our lives or in our prime, or havecrossed the age that most people consider to be the prime of our lives,we want companionship. Loneliness can be a sure killer, and that isthe reason why most people try to avoid the blight of loneliness asmuch as they can.It is indeed a curse to be lonely. What can we do if we do not havesomeone likeminded to share things with us in whatever we do? Mostof us would not even like to watch a movie or eat at a restaurantalone. But, at the same time, there are some people who are living this curseday in and day out. Due to some reason or the other, which may ormay not be their fault, they have to suffer a lonely life.In this eBook, we have understood the problem of loneliness. Wehave taken the problem piecemeal and analyzed it. Why doesloneliness happen? Can it happen to anybody? And, if it happens, what are the different ways in which it can beeliminated? How can a lonely person become a social butterfly? Theseare some of the questions that we are going to find answers to in thiseBook. - 4 -You need to put your heart and soul into the issue. If you think youare lonely, you are actually not alone. There are millions of people inthis world who are living a lonely life, and this eBook tries to reachout to all those people. This life-changing tool may be just what youneed to unleash the true hidden potential within yourself.

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