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Adolescence during the phases of self-growth begins at an early age,developing characteristics that lead to maturity, yet different roles increaseand intensify whereas many start developing mimicking behaviors. Themanifestation of these mimicked behaviors often involves the way onethinks, or believes. Often adolescence grow up failing to express their ownpoint of views, rather they express what they mimic to others.The problem comes with underdevelopment self, voice and mind. Socialfactors play a large part in why many teens contend to become problematic.Often the social issues lead to loses of voice. When we work through theprocesses of development of self, voice and mind we must consider socialissues, biases, shortchanges, expressions, education and more.Because the female gender has been shortchanged, or else biases ineducational programs, at home, and in society has hindered these humanbeings from progressing to their limits, it has caused majorunderdevelopment of voice in particular, yet it stems to lack of self, andmind development.Take a moment to read our groups of articles that will help you decide whichstrategies will benefit you the most. We have compiled many articles foryour convenience with the latest information on self-development of mindand voice.

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