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The Secrets Of Hypnosis Guide


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INTRODUCTIONDo you suffer from a chronic pain disorder? Do you have Fibromyalgia,Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or another condition that leaves you inconstant pain? Are you one of the millions of people that have triedeverything to lose weight but havent been able to lose weight and keepit off? Is one of your New Years Resolutions to finally quit smoking?There is one treatment that can help with all of these conditions andmore. Hypnosis. The medical community used to laugh off hypnosis asa parlor trick that magicians did to amuse children at birthday parties orentertain people in night clubs by making other people say stupid thingsor act in funny ways. And Hypnosis can do that, but it can alsosignificantly improve your healthy.Even though Hypnosis is not a very common medical treatment in theWest its been used in various forms of Eastern and primitive medicinefor centuries. As the West rediscovers many ancient healing practiceslike homeopathy and herbal medicine Western medical doctors andalternative therapy practitioners are rediscovering the benefits of usinghypnosis to treat patients that dont respond well, or dont respond at all,to traditional Western medicine. Studies have found that hypnosis canhave a positive impact on many different medical conditions includingthose associated with chronic pain and fatigue.Psychologists have used hypnosis for a long time as part ofpsychological evaluation and treatment of patients. Some psychologiststhink that hypnosis is a form of dissociation, but that is a topic of greatdebate within the psychological community. Anecdotal evidence provesthat hypnosis can be a great help when treating the psychologicalaspect of physical problems like addictions or dealing with the emotionaland psychological aspects of diseases like Fibromyalgia.Because disorders like additions or Fibromyalgia have bothpsychological and physical components patients that suffer from thesedisorders must treat both the physical and psychology causes for thedisorder. Hypnosis is usually a safe and effective way to treat both partsof the problem at the same time. Even though the medical andpsychological communities are split on the effectiveness of hypnosis asa medical treatment there are millions of people that it has helped whowill tell you that it works.

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