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Walking Meditation-parenting


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In this meditation method, you will be able to acquire not just thebasic knowledge regarding walking meditation, but extreme power touplift yourself and your inner experience and sensation beyondtradition and definition.Walking meditation is usually understood as primarily intended torelieve stress in the legs. While it has this effect, this is not the onlymeaning of kinhin.During sitting, the legs may turn numb, or 'go to sleep'. This does notmean that the circulation is bad, quite the opposite. There is an oldsaying in Zen, "A fire that begins in your toes and consumes yourwhole body"- this is the meaning of this numbness. The smallestthing- even the legs going to sleep- is a subject of investigation in ourZen training.An ancient questions asks, "can you make your body as limp as ababy's?" When your legs and feet are numb, you will notice that yourankles are usually flexible. Once when I was having private Dokusanwith my Zen master, the late Reverend Dr. Soyu Matsuoka-roshi,Archbishop of Soto Zen North America, which consisted to twonormal sitting periods of one hour with Kinhin and no talking- bothlegs had gone completely to sleep by the ending gong. When I stoopup, both feet were absolutely buzzing in my socks. As I stepped to thealtar, the toes of my right foot dragged on the carpet, and foldedunder to where I was partially standing on the top of my foot. I nearlyfell down! Sensei caught me. It woke my foot up, but it didn't hurt.Kinhin is the extension of the stillness of zazen into the action ofwalking. In your mind, you should strive to eliminate any distinctionbetween the two- they are more alike than different.There is a famous Zen saying, "Stillness in Action- Action inStillness". We have this calligraphy by the late Reverend Dr. SoyuMatsuoka-roshi of this expression. It also connotes "Silence isThunder- Mokurai." This is the more essential meaning of walkingmeditation- it brings the strength of meditation into the everyday actof walking.It is also symbolic of the Buddha's walking round and round thebodhi-tree following his Enlightenment. So it likewise represents your'wandering about in the world of enlightenment', in the words ofDogen-Zenji, the founder of Soto Zen Buddhism, for the first time

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