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The Secrets Of Dreams


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DREAMSEverybody dreams, but there are few who place any importance to thephenomena of sleep. Before we can begin to comprehend or even analyzedreams, whether our dreams are symbolic or otherwise, we must first divertfrom our mind our materialistic conceptions of what the individual calledman really is. The external or physical man, is no more the man than the coathe wears. The physical man is only an instrument of which the real innerman or soul expresses itself in the physical universe. Various materialistictheories have been given in the past, trying to explain the mighty phenomenaof dreams, but these theories have always been more or less unsatisfactory.Why? Because the-materialist tries to explain the riddle of human existencewithout an individual human spirit his explanation will always beunsatisfactory.Dreams afford a separation of soul and body. As soon as the senses becometorpid, the inner man withdraws from the outer. There are three differentways which afford this separation. First, natural sleep. Second, inducedsleep, such as hypnotism, mesmerism or trance. Third, death. In the abovetwo cases the man has only left his physical body temporarily, whereas indeath he has left it forever. In the case of death, the link which unites souland body, as seen by clairvoyant vision, is broken, but in trance or sleep it isreleased. The real man is then in the astral world. He now functions in hisastral body, which becomes a vehicle for expressing consciousness, just asthe physical body is an instrument for expressing consciousness in thewaking state.

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