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Secret Power Of Universal Laws


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INTRODUCTIONIn life, there are universal laws that govern everything we do. Andthese universal laws never err, not even once. These laws are so perfect thatif you were to align yourself with them, you could have so much prosperitythat it would be coming out of your ears.We all know the laws exist, but we really dont know much aboutthem. We dont know what they are so we can get in tune with them. So wehave to know what the universal laws are first, then everything else follows.The first thing to consider when you try understanding the universe isto know who created the universe. Once you know this and why the universeexists, youll gain a better idea as to why the universe is so powerful.Now it depends on your belief system and what you were brought upto accept, because the creation of the universe was talked about in schoolsas having started with the Big Bang theory. This is where an explosionoccurred and suddenly the universe appeared. Many scientists believe thistheory because it is the easiest way to understand it. What they fail tounderstand or give credence to is who created the explosion to begin with.That mass of material that exploded just didnt appear there by itself. It had5to have been created. This is why, no matter your religious beliefs, you mustknow that God is the one who created the universe for our use and to getwhatever we want from it.This God or Infinite Being as some prefer to call him createseverything in the universe in the image and likeness of him. This is why theuniverse is perfect. This is why it is powerful and dynamic. In order foreverything to function in this capacity, God created laws that wouldautomatically serve the purpose for what it was intended.Whatever man wanted to do, if they worked in connection with theselaws, would find plenty of abundance and perfection abounding, despitebeing sinful creatures themselves. The sin of humanity is not what fails inthe persons life. It is failure to follow the universal laws that causes one tofail.The laws that were created consist of the following: Law of Gratitude: This is one universal law that states you mustshow gratitude for what you have. If you show gratitude, you alsoshow you appreciate the things in your life, no matter what thosethings may be. It is just a matter of acknowledging them and tellingthe universe that you are glad you have them in your life. By having6gratitude, you actually speed your growth and success faster than younormally would. This is because if you appreciate the things you have,even if they are small things, you are telling the universe that you areaccepting of them and you are open to receiving, and will receivemore. Law of Attraction: Not many people know the law of attractionbecause they were never taught it. However, successful people knowthe law of attraction and practice it every day. This is why they aresuccessful. The law of attraction states that if you focus your attentionon something long enough you will get it. It all starts in the mind. Youthink of something and when you think of it, you manifest that in yourlife. What you are doing is you think of what you want, which is thecause, and the effect is the object or person you manifest from yourthoughts. For example, lets say you want $10,000, you think ofreceiving $10,000. You put an image of the money in your mind. Thiscould be a mental picture of a check, or actual cash. But you thinkabout it with an image. Now here is where the law of attraction comesin. When you dwell on this picture, you focus on it, and you put youremotions into it, the universe produces the results for you.7 Law of Karma: This law states that what you cause will have aneffect. If you go out and do something bad, it will come back to youwith something bad happening to you. If you do good for others, goodthings happen to you. By knowing this law, you will understand thepower of the mind, and how your actions can speak for you in manyways good or bad. This power can hurt you or harm you, depending onhow you use it. The principle here is to know you can create good orbad through your actions, because there will always be an effect nomatter what. Law of Love: This is another universal law that God, or the universe,established for mankind. This happens to be the building block of allthings. Love is more than emotion or feeling; it is energy. It hassubstance and can be felt. It takes on many forms. Love is alsoconsidered acceptance of oneself or others. This means that no matterwhat you do in life, if you do not approach or leave the situation out oflove, it wont work. Everything in life is unified and by accepting thisand working in harmony with it, you are working within the universallaws.

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