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FOREWORDMany people might be asking what the secrets are behind achieving a goalthat you have. Studies from the Harvard University and the University ofSouthern California have shown that the act of merely offering small andsimple rewards to a person can serve as a motivation for him. The simpleact of receiving gifts and any compensation for jobs greatly inspires theindividuals to keep working for a bigger goal.Structuring your daily routines in order to gain diminutive hits of dopaminein every accomplishment will surely help you maintain the reward engineand will encourage you to do even more. Upon doing all the activities inyour daily procedures, you will surely get the feeling of satisfaction aftercompleting such tasks. With this feeling, you can be energized andencouraged more to strive harder in attaining larger goals.Certain studies have found out also that people get more motivatedwhenever they receive some rewards for the corresponding works that theyhave done. And as an outcome of that, they work harder in order to gainadditional rewards. Raising the level of such rewards will also challengethese individuals to do even better.Scoring Your GOALThe Secrets Behind Achieving Goals

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