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Lucid Dreaming


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ForewordUnusual, fantastic, and even inconceivable things regularly occur in dreams, butindividuals commonly don t realize that the explanation is that they're dreaming. Commonly doesn t mean always and there's an extremely significant exception to this generality. Occasionally, dreamers do properly realize the explanation for thefreakish occurrences they are going through, and lucid dreams, are the finalresult.Empowered by the knowledge that the domain they're experiencing is aproduction of their own imagination, lucid dreamers may consciously determinethe final result of their dreams. They may create and metamorphose objects,individuals, situations, worlds, even themselves. By the measures of the familiarworld of physical and social reality, they may do the inconceivable.The domain of lucid dreams supplies a more immense stage than average life foralmost anything conceivable, from the frivolous to the sublime. You may, if youchose, enjoy an unworldly festival, zoom to the stars, or visit mystical lands. Youmay join those who are trying out lucid dreaming as a tool for problemresolution, self-healing, and personal maturation. Or you may research theimplications of teachings from ancient customs and accounts from modernpsychologists that indicate that lucid dreams may help you discover your deepestidentity-who you truly are.Lucid Dreaming And It's Benefits For Your LifeHow to be in control for your dreams and your life.

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