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7 Habits In Holistic Personal Development


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ForewordStephen Covey created a sensation when he wrote and released TheSeven Habits of Highly Effective People. Suddenly, people began tosit up and take notice. They felt there are so many ways they canimplement to enhance their lifestyle. And that they can bring aboutthese enhancements just by making minor alterations in theirmindsets and their way of approaching things.The book became a phenomenon because of the large number of livesit touched. It still continues to do that today. It is at the top pedestalon most bookshelves even today and the great clamor for it has stillnot died down.However, there are more implications of this wonderful book thanyou might think. There are more ways to harness the vast richness ofknowledge and wisdom that is housed in this book. Our eBook is anendeavor to make people understand this bestseller better, andinclude these tips in their lives so that they can live better.But, our eBook is not just a different way of saying what the legendaryStephen Covey has already said. We will be peppering our eBook withmany tips and suggestions throughout which can give a whole newpositive direction to your life.So, keep reading. There is a lot to belearned in the pages that follow.

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