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Say Anything To Anyone Anywhere


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ForewordMost of our problems in life come from the fact that we either agreeto too much or we refuse things that we later repent. Though we maybe highly educated, there is one department that most of us arelacking in that of saying yes or no at the right place.This e-Book delves into that collective shortcoming of the humanrace. If you think about it, this is quite apt. When we talk about sayinganything to anyone anywhere, we are basically dabbling about the twoextremitiesyes and no. Either you are agreeable to what you aretold, or you are not. But, it is saying it out aloud that matters.Sometimes when you agree to too much, you might find too manythings on your platter and though you have the talent to do an expertjob of it, the shortage of time could be your downfall. You find thatyou are not able to do justice to everything that you have taken up. Asa result, you lose your credibility, and people lose faith in you.Though you are an expert, your downfall was that you took up toomany things. Naturally, you had to make a short shrift of things andeverything did not work out as you had planned.The other extremity could be a problem. There are some people whorefuse almost anything. They have paranoia about acceptinganything. Refusal is their default reaction. This could be theirundoing though, because by unthinkingly refusing everything thatcomes in their way, they are probably losing out on a lot ofopportunities. They are failing to notch up experience and goodwill.They are keeping themselves away from self-development and they- 5 -are earning much negative press in the process because peopleusually do not like being refused something.And then, there are times when we have a single obvious answerbetween yes and no, and we know that the answer we are giving out isdefinitely going to hurt the other person. But, we have no alternative.There is nothing we can do. What do we do in such cases?We need to learn how to accept anything in an elegant manner. Weshould not take up too much and we should not take up anything thatis against the principles that we have set up in life. At the same time,we should make sure that when accepting something, we are gettingwhat we want out of it whether it is monetary compensation orcreative satisfaction or goodwill or whatever it is that is ourmotivation at the moment. We should also make sure that we are notcoming across as too desperate when we say yes to something. Eventhough we may be blessed with amazing talent, if we are toodesperate, then people develop a low opinion of us.Saying no requires some special skill as well. Most importantly, wemust do our best to make sure that the person we are refusing doesnttake it too hard. There should be no bitter feelings because that cancreate a lot of unwarranted problems in the long run. We need tojustify our stance when we are refusing something. We should tellthem what the reason is, and, if possible, give them an option bywhich they can get their job done. That usually takes care of the badfeelings part because the person whom you have just refusedunderstands that you have not done it out of spite or because of agrudge that you have with them.- 6 -You need to learn how to strike the right balance. Between saying yesand no, there are a lot of things that you have to considera lot morethan what you probably are considering right nowand when youeventually give your answer, you have to make it sound right.There are times when you will have to give a quick answer. Forinstance, if someone you are visiting asks you to stay for dinner, youhave to give a quick answer. The answer has to sound genuine andstill you have to take care you are not doing anything that you do notwant to do. This requires you to quickly understand the differentparameters that you should think of when agreeing to or refusingsomething and give prompt answers that ring true.In this eBook, we are going to speak a lot about how you can do thissay yes or no without sounding too confident or too diffident, andmake sure you are not harming yourself or your near and dear ones inany way by giving your responses to the situation. You will learn howto quickly analyze a situation and give the right answer according tothe situation. This is basic knowledge that everyone must have, butsome people need to learn it in order to implement it in their lives.Say Anything To Anyone - Anywhere!Develop The Strength To Say No, The Courage To Say Yes AndThe Conviction To Convince Anyone

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