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How To Develop A Good Memory


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Table of ContentsCover Page ..................................................................................................1Master Resell Rights License.......................................................................2Awesome Deals & Resources for YOU!.......................................................3Legal Notices ...............................................................................................4Table of Contents.........................................................................................6Chapter 1: Mental Filing System that Really Works....................................8Chapter 2: How to Get Your First Five Mental Hooks ...............................10Chapter 3: Lets Start First with Something Simple...................................14Chapter 4: Making Your Own Mental Images ...........................................18Chapter 5: How to Remember What You Read ........................................22Chapter 6: Five More Keys that Unlock Memory ......................................26Chapter 7: What Must I do to Remember Today? ....................................30Chapter 8: How Will I Remember to Remember?.....................................37Chapter 9: Five Little Words that Increase Your Memory by a Third ........39CHAPTER 10: A Shopping List You Cant Forget.....................................44Chapter 11: How Salesmen Sell Their Memories for Cash.......................49CHAPTER 12: The Art of Forgetting the Right Things..............................54Chapter 13: Case History of a Memory and How it Grew .........................58Chapter 14: How to Speak in Public Without Notes..................................61Chapter 15: Baiting Your Mental Hooks for Better Writing........................68Chapter 16: The Cost of Forgetting the Wrong Things .............................71Chapter 17: The Student Remembers Through School and College........77Chapter 18: How to Remember Numbers.................................................84Chapter 19: Now You have 100 Mental Hooks!........................................87Chapter 20: Interesting Facts and How to Recall Them ...........................91Page 6Chapter 21: How Good is Your Memory for Names and Faces?..............94Chapter 22: Theres Gold in Those Names.............................................103Chapter 23: How to Get the Name Straight ............................................109Chapter 24: The Kind of Repetition That Raps it In ................................111Chapter 25: Fastening Faces in Your Mind.............................................115Chapter 26: Whats in a Nameto Remember it By?.............................119Chapter 27: Meet Three Ladies and Twelve Gentlemen ........................128Chapter 28: A Lesson in Mistaken Identity..............................................137Chapter 29: Ten New Faces All at Once.................................................144Chapter 30: The Simple Secret of Remembering People in Groups.......150Chapter 31: Now Youre Ready to Go on Your Own!..............................153Chapter 32: Round Up ............................................................................156Chapter 33: Fun with Names and Faces.................................................161About the Author......................................................................................162

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