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Setting Yourself Goals


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Understanding Goal Setting TheoryPerhaps the most popular proponents of the goal setting theory are philosophersE.A. Locke and G. Latham. Their theory suggests that goal setting is innate amonghuman beings and that identifying and mapping out methods to reach them aresome of the most natural factors of human behavior.Related literature would tell you that goal setting theory is rooted on these fourbasic ideas:1. People rationally set task-related goals.2. People are the ones that determine how much time and effort are afforded intoreaching these goals.3. Goals, to be effective, must be specific, accepted and attainable.4. It is important to be list feedback on performance.The goal setting theory assumes all of the above four and makes the followinggeneral claims:1. Goal setting affects behavior.2. Difficult goals result in higher performance levels.3. Motivation comes from lessons from a previous goal.4. Goal clarity affects performance.5. Goal difficulty is directly proportional to satisfaction.Goal setting and behaviorGoal setting theory states that identifying goals allows people to make calculateddecisions. Once these are realized, they naturally direct and provide motivations soPage 5that these goals are reached. It also helps people commit to something and arrangetheir activities so as not to deter them from the intended achievement.Performance is correlated to difficultyThe more challenging and difficult it is to reach a goal, the higher the resultingperformance level. Of course, if a task is a little daunting, the more effort a personwill likely give to accomplish it. According to the goal setting theory, performance isinfluenced by four key factors.

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