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You Can Achieve Self Confidence-Personal development


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Self-Confidence: The BasicsSelf-confidence, very simply, is having positive, realistic expectations ofyourself. Positive AND realistic. You can't have one without the otherwithout changing your mindset.Self-confident: I've got my piloting license, and with practice I can fly myown plane.Self-doubting: Even though I have my piloting license, I don't think I'll everbe able to fly on my own.Self-deluded: Now that I've mastered this video game, I'll be the best pirateflier in the sky.Most people are particularly confident in one area, while not so much inanother. That's hard to imagine in these days of actors who sing and writeand resurrect UNICEF. You might feel like you have nothing going foryourself, but remember, with money and contacts, most anything ispossible.You're good at many things, but could always use improvement in areastoo.Are You Self-Confident?Quick! Before you do anything else, list 10 things you do well.Once your list is done, read through it with a smile on your face. Sayeverything out loud. Celebrate them. Embrace the truth. Right now you'reexperiencing the very first step:Self-confident people know they do wonderful things.Maybe this part was easy for you because you already know you're great inso many ways. Good for you!Now that you've sung your praises, make another list. This time write downat least five ways in which you could improve.Note, I didn't say, "Five things you hate about yourself," or "Five things youshould have done a long time ago." Nope. Just five simple ways you couldwork harder, be more responsible (or let your hair down), etc.Self-confident people love themselves enough to want to improve theiractions, and their lives.An action can be many things. It can be eating healthier meals, or datingmore respectful people. It can be taking a second job, or planning avacation. Everyone has opportunities to take actions that improve theirlives.What are yours?Remember now that self-confident people are positive ("I can change forthe better") and realistic ("I can eat healthier"). Sometimes the things wehope to change consume months or years of time. The key to making themmanageable is to break your goals down into smaller, fairly easy steps.We build self-confidence whenever we meet a goal.So make your milestones bite-size. Instead of revising your meal plan inone day, make a goal of eating a salad for one meal a week. Instead ofditching the boyfriend who makes your house a mess, start by asking himto put his shoes by the door when he comes in.

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