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The Self Esteem Workbook


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Self Esteem and Personal TransformationIt is difficult to maintain a healthy self-esteem while adjusting to personal transformations thatallow us to better our life. Because so many people in the world prey on those that work toward abetter way of life, we are all in danger of being torn down by others on a daily basis. Still, we havethe power to change this pattern by staying away from negative people that hold us back from ourprogress.Thus, we want to build positive relationships with others. Particularly, one must cultivate positivefriends and mates that will support you through the process of self-development. We mentionself-development because in order to build self-esteem through personal transformation, onemust also cultivate other fruitages of his or her personal qualities.Self-esteem is defined as our value we put on self. IT is our sense of worth that builds ourconfidence and self-respect. We cannot have a healthy self-esteem without building theconfidence and self-respect. The three work in unison to keep us sound in mind. Our pride isfactor into building self-esteem. This is because our pride causes various feelings and thoughts todevelop. For instance, when you see someone with an arrogant attitude, this person has anunhealthy level of pride that affects self and others.Pride can cause one to feel conceited, which is placing too much value on the self. This candevelop into a grandiose or narcissist attitude. The mental and emotional disorders will lead toother problems later. Thus, we must work toward balancing our pride while focusing on placingself-importance on the self without going overboard.We must cultivate a humility attitude that empowers us to take responsibility for our actions.Humility is a Godly trait that we must work hard at developing. It will give one satisfaction to builda humble attitude. Moreover, one will develop self-respect, which helps to build self-esteem. Youhold onto your dignity while honoring the self and others.By developing admiration toward the inner self, you will make a friend for life. For this reason, wemust use natural practices that allow us to connect with the inner self. By paying tribute to thisself, one can build credibility by showing the mark of respect.Once you develop your dignity, you will take pride in the self without offending others. Your poisewill stand out in any crowd. Becoming a noble soul will improve your overall performance and life.In fact, while you are building these characters your ability to think positive and stay motivated will

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