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When one mentions yoga, many images may beconjured up. Perhaps you get an image of flower childrenfrom the 60s sitting in a circle with their legs in impossiblepositions chanting Ohm around a huge candle in a poorlylit room. Yoga is an ancient art that has been practiced forcenturies. Over the years, it has risen in popularity as away to stay fit, get in touch with ones inner self, and keep abalance of sanity in a sometimes insane world.While yoga did come to popularity in the 60s withMaharishi Mahesh Yogi who popularized TranscendentalMeditation (TM) in the 60's, because he was associated withthe Beatles, yoga practitioners have brought the ancientpractice to the forefront of wellness in recent years.Many scholars believe that yoga dates back over 5,000years to the beginning of human civilization. Scholarsbelieve that yoga grew out of Stone Age Shamanism,because of the cultural similarities between ModernHinduism and Mehrgarh, a neolithic settlement (in what isnow Afghanistan). In fact, much of Hindu ideas, rituals andsymbols of today appear to have their roots in thisshamanistic culture of Mehrgahr.Early Yoga and archaic shamanism had much incommon as both sought to transcend the human condition.The primary goal of shamanism was to heal members of thecommunity and act as religious mediators. Archaic Yoga wasalso community oriented, as it attempted to discern thecosmic order through inner vision, then to apply that orderto daily living. Later, Yoga evolved into a more inwardexperience, and Yogis focused on their individualenlightenment and salvation.4Yoga is the most diversified spiritual practice in theworld. Crossing over many cultures (including Hinduism,Buddhism, Jainism and the West), Yoga also extends overmultiple languages such as Hindi, Tibetan, Bengali, Sanskrit,Tamil, Prakit, Marathi and Pali. The Yogic tradition continuesto proliferate and spread its message of peace to this veryday.

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