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Unshakeable Self Confidence


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Unshakable Self-ConfidenceConfidence is one of those things that seem like a catch-22. Ifyou dont already have a certain measure of self-confidence, itsdifficult to become more confident. Dont you need innerstrength in order to build your confidence? It may seem so atfirst glance, but fear not. This guide will walk you through asimple process to build your confidence. (And it will be easierthan you think!)Connecting With Your Inner PowerAt a basic level, an unconfident person is someone who has losttouch with his or her inner power. How do I know? Becauseyour inner power is where confidence comes from.If I asked you to describe yourself, youd likely start with aphysical description, or perhaps mention some of the roles youplay in daily life, like mother, wife, brother, employee, businessowner, and so on. But those things are not who you ARE, theyare what you DO.The person you are is the very essence of your being. Thisbeing might be called your soul, your higher self, or yourauthentic self. The label isnt important just the_________________________________________________________________________________White Dove Books Unshakeable Self-Confidenceacknowledgement that you are more than the physical personreading these words right now.

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