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ForewordThere are many different people in this world. The amazing thing is the factthat each one of us has our own specific purpose in life that we aresupposed to fulfil. It is very important that we find this purpose and live it.This is the key to true happiness. No matter how much money you make orhow much power you may have in your current career position, it will notlead to true happiness unless it is your purpose in life. Many people thinkthat money is the key to being happy, this is not the case! In fact, moneycan often times actually cause more problems in a persons life. The real keyto unlocking true happiness and a sense of being content is finding yourcalling or purpose in life.If you do not take the time to discover what your lives calling is you willlikely live a life where you constantly feel as if something is missing. Youwill feel as if you have a void space within. This void space will begin tobecome larger and larger over time until you discover what your truepurpose in life is.You may be unsure of what your true purpose in life is and this is veryunderstandable. With all of the different types of careers and life paths thatare available to take it can be very difficult to determine what your truepurpose is. It will take some effort and some determination but it isdefinitely possible and once you discover your purpose you will see your lifein a whole new light.5The following chapters in this book will go over the importance ofdiscovering what your lifes purpose is. It will discuss some importanttopics pertaining to discovering your purpose and will offer some tips thatshould help you on your journey.Purposeful LivingFinding Your Purpose in Life

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