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Taking Action In Spite Of Imperfection


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ForewordUnconsciously we're forming habits each moment of our lives. A few arehabits of a worthy nature; some are those of a most unpleasant nature. Afew, though not so bad in themselves, are extremely bad in their cumulativeeffects, and cause us from time to time much loss, much pain and anguish,while their inverses would, contrarily, bring as a great deal of peace and joy,as well as a continually increasing power.Have we it inside our power to determine at all times what sorts of habitsshall take form in our lives? Put differently, is habit-forming, characterbuilding, a matter of simple chance, or have we it inside our own control?We have, totally and utterly. "I will be what I will to be," may be said andought to be said by each human soul. After this has been bravely andunfalteringly stated, and not only stated, but fully inwardly recognized,something yet remains.Something remains to be stated regarding the excellent law underlyinghabit-forming, character building; for there's a simple, natural, and soundlyscientific method that all ought to know. A method whereby old, unsuitable,earth-binding ways of thinking may be broken, and fresh, desirable, heavenlifting thoughts can be acquired, a process whereby life in part or in itstotality may be changed, provided one is sufficiently in earnest to knowand, knowing it, to use it.

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