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Basics of Forex-Finance and investment-english ebook


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Basics of Forex "Basics of Forex" is a complete guide intended for beginners wishing to understand and learn about the foreign exchange market (Forex). This book provides a detailed overview of the fundamental concepts of Forex trading, the mechanics of how it works, and the basic strategies for success in this field. Highlights of the Book: 1. Introduction to the Foreign Exchange Market:- The book begins by explaining the basics of the Forex market, including its history, participants, and importance in the global economy. 2. Understand Currencies and their Conversion:- Learn how currencies are quoted and traded, as well as the factors that influence their values. Clear explanations of currency conversion are provided to make international transactions easier to understand. 3.Market Analysis:- Learn technical and fundamental analysis techniques to assess market trends and make informed trading decisions. 4. Risk Management:- The book covers essential risk management strategies to protect your capital and maximize your profits, including the use of stop orders and loss limits. 5. Trading Psychology:- Understand the importance of discipline and managing emotions in Forex trading, and learn how to develop a successful trader's mindset. Why Read Basics of Forex? - Educational Approach:- Each chapter is designed to be accessible to beginners, with simple explanations and concrete examples to make learning easier. - Practical Guide :- The book offers practical tips and strategies that you can apply immediately to start trading in the Forex market. - Based on Experience:- Written by Forex trading experts, this guide is based on years of experience and success in the market. Basics of Forex is an essential tool for anyone who wants to get started in Forex trading and gain a solid understanding of the mechanics of the foreign exchange market. Order your copy today and start your journey to success in Forex trading. Buy Now and Master the Basics of Forex with Basics of Forex!

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