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Stress Soothers


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ForewordThis is an eBook that gives you an insight on how you can abolish stressfrom your life. Stress is the number cause for unhappiness. It makes onelive a very unsatisfying life. In addition, research shows that there are somany illnesses that occur as a result of being stressed.In this eBook, you will get to learn more about. This includes what it meansand how it affects a person. There are so many people who are undergoingstress but they dont even know it. In addition, you will learn some of the symptoms of stress. This will helpyou in identifying stress in advance and being able to get rid of it before itgets worse.There is a general assumption that stress is a bad thing. Many people thinksof it as frustrating and bringing about feelings of discomfort and generalunhappiness. However, not all stress is bad. There is a category of stress that is actually highly recommended for everyperson. In this eBook, you will learn about the different types of stress andhow they occur. Try and establish which kind of stress you are goingthrough or are likely to go through in future.In this eBook, you will also learn what exactly causes stress. This will helpyou in identifying areas in your life that are likely to bring you stress. If youare currently feeling stressed, you may be able to point out the stressor. It isvery important to know what is stressing you. This is the only way that youcan manage to get rid of the stressor.Stress normally has very negative effects on individuals. It can affect onesmind and also body. It can also affect the people around. Stress generallyaffects an individuals ability to be happy and live a quality life. In this eBook, you will learn about the effects that stress has on you. Thiswill give you good reasons as to why you have to abolish stress in life

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