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KVGP Clothescessories

Rose and Lavender Scented Handmade Vegan Skincare Gift Set


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GBP 44.99

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Price Range: GBP 0.00 - GBP 17.99

The rose and lavender scented handmade vegan skincare gift set makes a gorgeous, indulgent gift for those special people in your life. This beautiful skincare gift set is packed full of nutritious, soothing products to cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin and issuitable for sensitive and combination skin. The skincare set is the perfect and unique gift for Christmas or other special events like valentine's day, birthdays and anniversaries. Optional gift message free of charge (please email: [email protected]).This set CONTAINS (all vegan-friendly):- Clear glass bottle of rose and lavender body oil (250ml)- Clear glass bottle of cleansing castile soap body wash (250ml)- Aluminium jar of our best seller Magic body butter with 100% natural shea and cocoa butter with deeply moisturising, natural ingredients and floral scents (250ml)- Clear glass jar of 'shim shimmer' glitter body butter with subtle rose scents and biodegradable golden glitter (120ml)- 100% organic cotton wash clothPACKAGING:- Presented in a winter green, eco-friendly, cardboard gift box with a jute string bowed finish and real bay leave decorative topping, foraged from the land.

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