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Splash Blaster

Premium Weal Maker Electric Gun


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GBP 42.95

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Unleash the Upgraded Power:Behold the upgraded version of our renowned water pistol, the Weal Maker. This new iteration takes water warfare to exhilarating heights, retaining the exceptional features that made its predecessor a fan favorite. Equipped with both a drum magazine and a small mag, you'll have the perfect ammunition options to suit any battle strategy. Powered by a long-lasting battery, the Weal Maker ensures uninterrupted fun as you drench your opponents in victory.Unrivaled Performance and Endurance:Prepare to experience unmatched performance and endurance with the Weal Maker. This enhanced electric-powered water pistol is engineered to deliver precise shots and unparalleled reliability. Its optimized battery system ensures extended playtime, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in epic water fights without interruption. With the Weal Maker in your hands, victory is within reach.Elevate Your Water Warfare Game:Take your water warfare skills to new heights with the Weal Maker. This upgraded pistol combines innovation and style seamlessly, empowering you to dominate the battlefield with finesse. The Weal Maker's improved features and enduring battery life ensure you stay in control and ready for action. Get ready to make a splash with this ultimate weapon of water warfare.

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