

Sold By

Jeevaa Organics

Nayansukh Eye Drop Polyherbal Eye Drop For Daily Protection


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INR 99.00

Number of Views: 18

Available in
Countries: United Arab Emirates, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, Singapore, United States,

Price Range: INR 100.00 - INR 3000.00

Benefits:Relieves eye congestionAllergic cold and cough Usage:1-2 drops in each eye every day. Composition:Each 10ml contains: Herbal Ark of 7ml: Gulab (Flower leaf) 400mg, Aloe vera (leaf) 50mg, Daruhaldi (Stem/ Root) 150mg, Bhringraj (Whole plant) 200mg, Tulsi (Leaf) 200mg, Punarnava (root) 200mg, Neem (Leaf) 100mg, Chaksushya (Seed) 200mg, Powder of: Tankan 30mg, Kapoor 15mg, Fitkari (White) 15mg, Glycerine 3ml, Preservative: Benzalkonium Chloride 0.02% v/v

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